Asphalt Legends Unite Race List

1000+ Career Races. You can Search for Car, Season, Mode, Track etc.
1BMW Z41518ClassicFuture RoadShanghai60590Future Road
1BMW Z42537ClassicDowntown RiseSan Francisco901,000Downtown Rise
1BMW Z43559ClassicCity DashSan Francisco60630City Dash
1BMW Z44592ClassicDouble RoundaboutShanghai30430Double Roundabout
1BMW Z45625ClassicReach for the SkyShanghai60670Reach for the Sky
1BMW Z46659ClassicParis of the EastShanghai30460Paris of the East
1BMW Z47691ClassicWatersideSan Francisco60710Waterside
1BMW Z48735ClassicPudong RiseShanghai90950Pudong Rise
1Camaro1826ClassicRailroad BustleSan Francisco30430Railroad Bustle
1Camaro2847ClassicDouble RoundaboutShanghai30440Double Roundabout
1Camaro3858ClassicGhost ShipsScotland30440Ghost Ships
1Camaro4870ClassicLeap of FaithHimalayas30450Leap of Faith
1Camaro5915ClassicCity DashSan Francisco60690City Dash
Showing 1 to 15 of 1,184 entries

Race List

This Table contains all 1000+ Races from the Career Mode in Asphalt 9 Legends.

Click on the + to see the available Cars for each Race.

Search for Route, Car, Mode, Location etc.

Reputation Points will be given only 1 x until the Race Goals are done


Asphalt Legends Unite Race List

Asphalt Legends Unite Credits Farm

Asphalt Legends Unite Reputation Farm

Asphalt Legends Unite Reputation Points Farm

(Visited 405,433 times, 25 visits today)
Tags: cairo, himalayas, osaka, Race List Guide, rome, routes, scotland, shanghai, the caribbean, tracks list, us midwest

42 thoughts on “Asphalt Legends Unite Race List”

  1. Hi.

    This site has been so useful for me as a newbie. I use My Career to learn specific tracks and I use this site to find which Chapter(s) and Season(s) contain a particular track (for Races I’ve already completed) and which cars can be used. I also use it to find which cars are required for Races I’ve yet to complete, so I can get Blueprints for cars in preparation for when those Races become available to play.

    I’ve found a mistake for Chapter 2, Stars & Stripes Season, Race 13. You have listed the SSC Tuatara as the car required for that Race. But there are 54 others to choose from. Some are locked, many more are extremely rare and some of the easier to obtain would require epic import parts to reach the required rank, so I won’t list them. But the ones that are relatively easy to get are the Icona Vulcano Titanium, W Motors Lykan Hypersport, Lamborghini Egoista, Trion Nemesis, and McLaren Speedtail.

    Hope this helps others.


    • Chapter 5 – Tradition Meets Future. Car listed for the last race is Chevrolet Corvette ZR1. But there are loads of fairly common cars to choose from. Just need a minimum rank of 2788.

  2. If this is still maintained, note that the below is actually US Midwest and NOT New York.

    2 Stars & Stripes 4 1,000 Classic Trainspotter New York 30

  3. Hi – I love the site and I use it all the time for Legend Pass tasks etc, thank you for creating it, and keeping it up to date, it’s a super resource! 🙂

  4. The Filter is gone !! :-(. Can you bring back the filter? It was very helpful to be able to filter on category and other tags to be able to become legend.
    Please reactivate filtering, thx

  5. What has happened to your Race list, It used to be easy to read & use and so helpful for Season missions and I would pass info onto my club. It appears that we can no longer filter by mode, track etc… Please bring back the old style

  6. Galera, não acho eventos obras primas na pista, alguém pode me ajudar. Obrigado

    Guys, I do not think raw works events on the track, can anyone help me, thank you

  7. Bonjour, quelle course doit on faire pour la mission de saison de l’épisode 04 “termine des courses dans des courses poursuites” Vencer Sarthe ?


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