Update 28 – Winter Fest Patch Notes

Join us celebrating the end of the year and the start of a new one with 2 special Seasons. The update kicks off with the Winterfest to celebrate the end of the year and continues with the celebration of the Lunar New Year.

New Cars

New Car Decals

Drive Syndicate 6!

syndicate update 28
“First we burnt it all down from the inside! Now you will take control and like a Phoenix, the syndicate will rise from the ashes.” – The Syndic8

Asphalt Board: Daily Goals quality of life improvement

update 28 daily board
We’re happy to announce a new Asphalt Board feature chosen by you! This time, we’re introducing a quality-of-life improvement to the Daily Goals section. If you meet certain criteria (mostly veteran players) After reaching the goal combo for the day, you will now be able to claim all daily goals automatically with just one tap!

Animated Decals are coming to the game!

update 28 animated decals
We’re happy to announce the launch of the very cool Animated Decals! These will bring life to your car in a spectacular fashion and will be available through the store. Also, you will be able to test them out in events. Early cars that will get an animated decal are the Ultima RS, Lotus Evija, Renault TreZor, and Bugatti Bolide cars.

Events Showcase

  Fight for a chance to get the new Ares S1 in a Grand Prix event!
•    Special Events: Ultima RS and Chrysler ME412 (LP exclusive event with its own decal)
•    This update will see a new Legend-Pass exclusive Car Hunt featuring the Arash AF10 car! Also, look for its Blue Rabbit decal through the Legend Pass rewards!
•    The Bentley Continental GT3 will have its own Key Hunt during this update!
•    Starway fans, rejoice! Two new Starway events will come with this update featuring the Peugeot Onyx and McLaren Speedtail cars.
•    Renault TreZor is coming back, for the first-time available game-wide, through a dedicated Car Hunt event. You will be able to test its Animated Decal in it!
•    Celebrate the Holiday season with a twelve-day celebration event. A new time-limited event each day! Through them, you will be able to unlock the Lotus Emira car.
•    Find more Holiday-themed events during this update!


Visual display for reward conditions in some events (time-limited, special events and Grand Prix) has been updated.
•    All currency has been moved into one single section within the store.
•    Based on your feedback, Wild Card caps have been increased all across the board!
•    During this update, two new features will be tested and will not be visible for all players: Legend Fund and Time-Limited Event Bonus Pass.
•    The Clash changes: We reduced the total number of nodes on the map. Conditions have also been updated.
•    There will be now fewer tracks in Multiplayer (World Series) and will be rotated from the first season of the update to the second.

Bug Fixes

•    An issue that launched a pop-up incorrectly announcing the end of the season and causing a game crash has been fixed.

Car improvements

 Citroen GT‘s chassis distortions have been fixed
•    Koenigsegg Gemera‘s underside has been improved
•    Pininfarina Battista‘s respawn animation has been improved

Source: https://asphaltlegends.com/news/?article=137

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Tags: Update 28, Winter Fest

7 thoughts on “Update 28 – Winter Fest Patch Notes”

  1. Where is update 29 ( CIty of lights) and Update 30 ( Sakura Spring). Theres a ton of things in those updates that this website has missed. @Ansager

  2. Quels sont les modifications apportées au Clash. Avant, l’inscription au clash par le chef tous les membres avec un garage de 10 ou plus etaient inscrit d’office. Ce qui n’etait pas bien, car certains joueurs ne veulent pas jouer. Il semble maintenant qu’après inscription par le Chef les joueurs qui veulent jouer doive s’inscrir : c’est une bonne solution!!!

  3. Hey, for the crysler event, could u give us the cars free on max, and for the new car hunts (i can’t remember which ones they’re for) can u make it free without having to get a legend pass?

  4. Thanks for all the updates and improvements within the entire game. But please kindly look at the matter within blueprints we keep on receiving blueprints of cars that are maxed up that part doesn’t make sense at all, and also the grandprix we need to participate with cars that we own and have used real money to upgrade those cars but today they can’t win us any keys thank I trust that this comment funds you all well.

    • Also, it is VERY IRRITATING when the pop-up ads happen EVERY TIME you exit the app FOR ONE SECOND. Please fix this, I know it isn’t a bug, but SERIOUSLY. It’s a little excessive.


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