Update 23 – British Tour Season Patch Notes

Welcome to the British Tour! Collect up to six new cars in this event-packed update!

New Cars

New season structure!

Welcome to the British Tour! Join us on this journey where each stage is focused on one new car and will give you the chance to collect it. Complete car hunts on your tour to unlock a final car in the Grand Finale.  Join us on the weekends in the season-long event to unlock the Lotus Emira as a bonus.

There will be 3 initial stages, each one of them featuring a new car (McLaren GTMcLaren Senna GTR, and Jaguar XJ220S TWR). What’s a stage, you might ask? Each one consists of:

●  A Star Hunt event: Exciting Car Hunt where you can get the new car up to 1 star.

●  Grand Prix: All the fun from the GP packed into an event featuring blueprints of the stage’s car.

●  Passport Event: Win Tokens and Blueprints of the featured car
(as the season progresses, you’ll need to have unlocked previous stages’ cars)

●  Epic Hunt

While these events keep following each other, we will finish each week with a Weekend Rampage event featuring the new Lotus Emira. These events follow the structure of a Car Hunt but we’ll be providing fun and excitement to your end of the week!

After these initial ones, there will be the last stage: the Grand Finale waiting for you! This exciting Special Event brings to you a chance to use and show off the cars of the tour for a chance to unlock and collect the Ultima RS car. You will need to have unlocked the three cars introduced in earlier stages (including Lotus Emira from Weekend Rampage events), and some existing cars (featured on Car Hunts during the event) in order to be able to fully complete this Final event. You will need to complete 100% of this event to unlock the Ultima RS  car.


Club Clash Closed Beta!

Club Clash, a new Club feature that will allow Clubs to face each other for the first time in a very exciting new format, enters the Closed Beta phase! A group of active clubs has been selected to help the team polish this feature that will be released in future updates!

Asphalt Board presents Car Filters!
Through Discord and Social Media channels, we recently introduced our new initiative: Asphalt Board. For those of you who haven’t heard yet, Asphalt Board is an in-game survey that targets very engaged players and allows us to gather feedback to make the game more appealing to you. This initiative is also tied with the suggestion system we have on Discord, so our goal is to be able to turn your specific suggestions into actual game features.

For that reason, we are proud to present you with the first Asphalt 9 feature chosen directly by the Community: Car Filters!

With this new feature, you will be able to create filtered views of your garage or pre-racing screens, allowing you to narrow down the list of cars so you can be in control of what you see in your garage. We hope you enjoy this new improvement and we are already excited for the next feature in the Asphalt Board pipeline. Thank you for your input and passion for the game!


●  We’re on Tik Tok! Follow our page here for cool game updates!

●  Two new body kits are coming to existing cars: McLaren Senna and Icona Vulcano Titanium!

  • New Career season for Chapter 6!


Source: https://asphaltlegends.com/news/?article=86

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Tags: British Tour Season, update, Update 23

3 thoughts on “Update 23 – British Tour Season Patch Notes”

  1. With this new feature, you will be able to create filtered views of your garage or pre-racing screens, allowing you to narrow down the list of cars so you can be in control of what you see in your garage. We hope you enjoy this new improvement and we are already excited for the next feature in the Asphalt Board pipeline. Thank you for your input and passion for the game!

  2. o, that means I have to unlock the GT by tomorrow??? ( i have 29/35 blueprints with 25/50 of the “beat 45 seconds” and 19/20 of the “beat 44 seconds” ) < in star hunt….

    I can do it, probably play today, and tmrw, and I'll unlock…

    And talking about Emira, I have 19/30 or something blueprints, so I can unlock either this weekend or next weekend….

    I will be happy if I can accomplish these…

  3. So, that means I have to unlock the GT by tomorrow??? ( i have 29/35 blueprints with 25/50 of the “beat 45 seconds” and 19/20 of the “beat 44 seconds” ) < in star hunt….

    I can do it, probably play today, and tmrw, and I'll unlock…

    And talking about Emira, I have 19/30 or something blueprints, so I can unlock either this weekend or next weekend….

    I will be happy if I can accomplish these…


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