Pagani Huayra BC

Pagani Huayra BCCar Information:

Class Type Fuel Refill Time In Game
A Epic 3 4:20 Hours since Release

Performance Data:

Max 6⭐ Top Speed Acceleration Handling Nitro
Stock 350 71,20 46,10 73,11
Max 365,4 80,04 63,11 86,75

Car Ranks:

Stock 1⭐ 2⭐ 3⭐ 4⭐ 5⭐ 6⭐
2983 3154 3356 3541 3786 4031 4274


1⭐ 2⭐ 3⭐ 4⭐ 5⭐ 6⭐ Total
50 12 15 24 37 45 183


Stage Top Speed Acceleration Handling Nitro Total
Stage 0 5.290 5.290 5.290 5.290 21.160
Stage 1 8.600 8.600 8.600 8.600 34.400
Stage 2 13.800 13.800 13.800 13.800 55.200
Stage 3 20.700 20.700 20.700 20.700 82.800
Stage 4 29.900 29.900 29.900 29.900 119.600
Stage 5 42.000 42.000 42.000 42.000 168.000
Stage 6 58.500 58.500 58.500 58.500 234.000
Stage 7 82.000 82.000 82.000 82.000 328.000
Stage 8 115.000 115.000 115.000 115.000 460.000
Stage 9 161.000 161.000 161.000 161.000 644.000
Stage 10 225.000 225.000 225.000 225.000 900.000
Stage 11 315.000 315.000 315.000 315.000 1.260.000
Stage 12 517.000 517.000 517.000 517.000 2.068.000
Stage 13 Max Max Max Max 6.375.160

Import Parts:

Credits Top Speed Acceleration Handling Nitro Total Credits
35.000 6 6 6 6 840.000
Credits Top Speed Acceleration Handling Nitro Total Credits
70.000 5 5 5 5 1.400.000
Credits Top Speed Acceleration Handling Nitro Total Credits
210.000 4 4 4 4 3.360.000
Total Credits all Import Parts: 5.600.000

Total Upgrade Cost:

Max Upgrades Common Parts Rare Parts Epic Parts Total Upgrade Cost
6.375.160 840.000 1.400.000 3.360.000 11.975.160

Pagani Huayra Gallery:



Class A

Asphalt 9 Car List


Import Parts

Performance Stats


asphalt 9 Pagani Huayra – asphalt 9 Pagani Huayra – Pagani Huayra Blueprints – Pagani Huayra Blueprints – Pagani Huayra Import Parts – Pagani Huayra Import Parts – Pagani Huayra Upgrades – Pagani Huayra Upgrades

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Tags: Cars, Class A Car, Pagani

6 thoughts on “Pagani Huayra BC”

  1. Unlocked this car today and went to upgrade it. Uncommon import parts for the Pagani Huayra BC is 40,000 not the 35,000 stated here. I am making a spreadsheet to help people keep track of upgrades. My SS would be great if I new what stars equal what stage level. What star unlocks how many uncommon and rares, etc. Like what the top comment was asking. I based my whole ss on this website, thank you for posting the information. If you would like a copy of it, just reply and I will send it to you. Im a data nerd and log all my runs in the Car hunts as well. I like to know the percentage drop rate of blueprints and other such things.

    Im assuming since the uncommon is 40K instead of 35K, the rares are 80K instead of 70K. Would that be a correct assumption?

  2. you guys did great work! please dont take this negatively because all the information is useful but viewing it to plan ahead for next star⭐⬆ its almost too much information and takes some time and additional hunting for info to figure out exactly how many credits I need to get it maxed rank for the next ⭐⬆stage.(including import count w/cost for the next ⭐⬆.) Like i said you done great work and put in a lot of time and effort. its appreciated! but it would be so more helpful to know what I needed prior to ⭐🆙. (BC 4*-5* i need 1 rare import for each stat which costs 280,000 credits + how much to upgrade the stages im assuming to stage 12 for 5* so stage 11 225k x4 =900k then stage 12 315k x4= 1260000 and epics[im guessing 4 for now] so 210 x4 840000 forgot uncommon 140k then add it all guessing 3,420,000 is the cost needed to take hydra from 4*-5*. it would be so helpful and time consuming. game has been out for over a year so having that kind of info easily available it would still be difficult for one to catch up with GL. I dont need any answers or a reply. just giving opinion. this site helped me so much when i first started.

    • hello, yes I like the Idea, but it would be hard for me to collect that info since I upgraded all my Cars already. I would need to know how many Imports Parts each Stage unlocks and that would be pretty hard

      • I honestly think gameloft should somehow provide you with any information you need. Your wiki is extremely helpful!


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