Lamborghini Season: Ultimate Experience – Patch Notes Update 12

Lamborghini Season: Ultimate Experience – Patch Notes Update 12

Get ready for the upcoming update of Asphalt 9:Legends – take a trip through Lamborghini History with 4 legendary vehicles and boost your experience with the Lamborghini season pass to unlock the exclusive Lamborghini Gallardo LP 560-4 and many other benefits!

4 New Cars

Season Pass Changes

  • Some missions will now have multiple requirements options. In the example below, you can use cars from Class D or B to complete it!
Asphalt 9 Legends Update 12 1
Missions are not final and are subject to change
  • Look out for the featured missions in each episode! Completing them gives you more Legend Points, so you should prioritize them over other missions. We have highlighted them, so they are easy to spot – just see for yourself in the example below.
Asphalt 9 Legends Update 12 2
Missions are not final and are subject to change.
  • And one more example of challenging but rewarding featured mission that has a new rank requirement. Don’t worry it doesn’t require to have specific rank and can be completed on a car with a higher rank too.
Asphalt 9 Legends Update 12 3
Missions are not final and are subject to change.
  • In this season, Legend pass owners will have an exclusive chance to obtain two Lamborghini cars to upgrade up to two stars! The other benefits work the same as in the Porsche Season.

Asphalt 9 Legends Update 12 4

  • Legend Pass owners from the Porsche season who have unlocked the discount benefit can obtain the Bundle Pass for the Lamborghini Season with a 50%* discount!
    * The discount might be slightly different depending on the currency used

Those are the main changes in the season pass for the Lamborghini season, but for further information, we will highly recommend to check out the FAQ article

New cars coming in this update

Lamborghini Sián FKP 37

Lamborghini Sián FKP 37

Lamborghini Sián FKP 37 Decal

Lamborghini Gallardo LP560-4

Lamborghini Gallardo LP560-4

Lamborghini Gallardo LP560-4 Decal

Lamborghini Veneno

Lamborghini Veneno

Lamborghini Veneno Decal

Lamborghini SC18

Lamborghini SC18

Lamborghini SC18 Decal

Other changes:

  • Thanks to your feedback, we’re adding a new Career season in Chapter 3 that can be unlocked at 315 career flags.
Asphalt 9 Legends Update 12 New Career Seasons
A new season awaits!

  • Now we have more tracks that will support the Grand Prix events. Prepare to master them to show your best time!
  • You can now inspect stages of Special Events to see the rewards and requirements for each stage before they are unlocked so you can prepare for the challenge upfront!
  • In order to keep your car gallery clean and easy to navigate, we’ll be hiding some of the existing cars that don’t have any available source to obtain them at the moment. But worry not, the moment you unlock the car or get a blueprint they will be back in your gallery. They haven’t disappeared from the game. You’ll notice that the moment a blueprint source (card packs, offers or events) for such a car is activated, the car will show up again with a timer clearly indicating for how long that car is available to acquire, unlock, or star up. Once the timer expires, if haven’t obtained any blueprints it will disappear from your game interface until it becomes available again for a limited time.


Unlocked 60 FPS on these following devices:
  • Samsung Galaxy A90
  • Samsung Galaxy Tab S6
  • Samsung Galaxy Tab S6 5G
  • Black Shark 2
  • Black Shark 2 Pro
  • Added GFX settings.
  • Added Custom cursor.
  • Improved the graphic quality and game performance on dual GPU Mac devices and iMac 5K 2019 (27-inch).

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed controller delay on 60FPS mode.
  • Removed the system alert sound when using the keyboard.
  • Fixed delayed control input on iMac Air 4K (2015) full-screen mode.
  • Fixed an issue with ESC key where it causes the game to exit full-screen mode or minimize if already in windowed mode.


Asphalt 9 Legends Update 12

Lamobrghini Season

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Tags: Patch Notes, update, Update 12

18 thoughts on “Lamborghini Season: Ultimate Experience – Patch Notes Update 12”

  1. in the episode 2 where can we drift 10000M on a grand prix… because there is no grand prix….
    THX to answer

  2. I can’t access multiplayer. It just has, “New Multiplayer Season Coming Soon.” Does anyone else have this problem? It also didn’t give me the rewards for the last multiplayer season that just ended.

    • Aynı sorun bende de var kaç gündür onunla uğraşıyorum ve game lofta da yazdım ilgileneceğiz dediler sonuç yok

    • yes me too. in PC there is no multiplayer season and not receive any rewards from last multiplayer season. but in android, multiplayer already started and there is no problem for rewards from the last multiplayer season. every thing is ok in android, but seems the PC version have a problem

  3. Amigos descargue la última actualización de asphalt legends en mi pc y ahora no puedo jugar en multijugador, me dice que no se encuentran rivales??

  4. I am not able to complete (or make progress toward) the “Perform Shockwaves in Daily Car Loot Events: 0/5” mission. Is there something I’m doing incorrectly?

  5. Hallo,

    wird gut geschrieben, aber leider hat das in der Porsche – Saison nicht funktioniert.

    Hier bin ich sogar erster geworten im Spezial-Event, aber trotzdem war es unmöglich, alle Missionen des Legenden-Passes zu erreichen, weil mir die Fahrzeuge fehlten, mit denen ich diese Missionen hätte erfüllen können.

    Das ist schon ärgerlich, weil ich so weder die Episoden abschließen, noch die Belohnungen erhalten konnte, obwohl sie von Anfang an sichtbar waren. So wurde mir vorgemacht, dass ich diese Belohnungen bekommen kann, aber es war unmöglich.

    Insgesamt habe ich nicht erhalten, obwohl in Aussicht gestellt:

    20 Blaupausen 911 Targa 4a
    20 Blaupausen Tycan Turbo S,
    Import-Teil Tycon,
    Karrosserie-Teile, Aufkleber, 5Karten-Pakete
    500.000 Credits
    500 Token

    außerdem Episodenbelohnungen 6x Tycan Turbo S


    • da geb ich dir Recht. Ein paar Missionen waren schwer, grade wenn man nicht alle Autos dafür hat. Hoffen wir mal das beim Lambo Pass das anders ist


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